Parent / Scout Open PWD Rules
1. The body needs to be made new each year.
2. HEIGHT: Height may not exceed 5.75". The car must fit under the finish gate.
3. LENGTH: Length may not exceed 7.0".
4. WIDTH: Width may not exceed 2 3/4".
5. WEIGHT: Weight may not exceed five (5.00) ounces as measured on the official pack scale.
6. The front of the car:
- a. Must have a minimum of a ¼” flat surface in the center to be placed against the starting mechanism.
- b. No part of the car may extend beyond the starting mechanism of the racetrack.
- c. Indented noses are prohibited
7. No flashlights, LED’s or any decoration or part of the car may interfere with the race timing equipment. Anything that may interfere must be removed or disabled while the car is racing (example, lights may interfere with timings sensors, etc.)
8. LUBRICANTS: Only dry lubricants may be used.
9. Propellants are NOT permitted. (CO2 cartridges, motors, etc…)
10. Once the car is checked in, it will be placed on our grid and cannot be modified.
*NOTE: The Open Class is intended to have the minimum rules required to allow for the most flexibility and creativity in engineering and design while allowing the car to operate safely on the track.