Who Can Join Pack 1148?

Pack 1148 includes boys and girls in kindergarten through grade 5.

What Are Dens and Packs?

The Cub Scout Pack includes all the boys and girls from kindergarten through grade 5 registered with our unit. Cub Scout Dens are smaller groups made up of 4-8 kids in the same grade of the same gender. Every scout in the pack is assigned to one den.

When Does Pack 1148 Meet?

We hold two types of regular meetings; pack meetings and den meetings. When Scouting America and local governments permit gathering, the entire pack meets the second Thursday of each month from 7-8 PM, usually in the Little River Elementary School cafeteria. Individual dens aim to meet twice per month during the school year. The den meeting times are set by the parent volunteer leaders based on the availability of the small number of families in their dens. We also hold special events throughout the year, usually on weekends, such as the Pinewood Derby and the Blue and Gold Banquet. We also hold outdoor activities such as family camping trips and hikes.

What Happens At Meetings?

During pack meetings, scouts hear important announcements, acknowledge awards, and play games. During den meetings, scouts work on the fun adventures from their handbooks to earn awards.

Who Leads Cub Scouts?

Cub Scouts is led by parent volunteers and is not, in general, a drop-off activity. Even parents who are not registered leaders are expected to attend meetings and supervise their children. Kindergarteners and first graders must be accompanied by a parent or other designated adult for all events. For older children, parents may work with den leaders on an event-by-event basis if they have a conflict and need to arrange for another parent to supervise their child.

How Much Does It Cost to Join?

When you apply online, the national organization will charge you for an annual membership. In addition to your membership fee, you will need to purchase a uniform and handbook appropriate to your child's grade, and you will need to purchase a $16 pack T-shirt from our unit. Scouting America describes its fee here: https://www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts/cost-of-cub-scouting/. Guidelines for how our pack wears the uniform are here: https://web.pack1148.net/uniforms

Is There An Annual Fee?

Yes. We collect an annual fee in the fall when our unit recharters it's membership with Scouting America. Most of this fee goes towards renewing the annual membership fee of the registered scouts and leaders in our group for the upcoming calendar year, and a portion of it goes toward event costs. The cost is $260 or $275 (with Scout Life Magazine)  for 2024. 

How Do I Get More Information?

Email us at newmembers@pack1148.com with questions.

How Do I Join Pack 1148?

You can join Pack 1148 by applying online at this URL:
